All Roads Led Me Here

All Roads Led Me Here

It has been a month since I launched my online store! It has been exciting, inspiring, and quite a learning experience. You have all been so supportive and loving, so thank you for making our first few weeks a huge success!

I wanted the first blog post to tell you about how all the different paths in my life have led me ultimately to become a jewelry maker. I guess the signs were there all along. Good things happen when you finally learn to listen and pay attention to the arrows pointing to your calling. I am so grateful and lucky because I am surrounded by people who love me unconditionally, and help me live a life of creativity, art and discovery. I get to make things with my hands and call it work? Pinch me, I guess dreams really do come true! So THANK YOU infinitely for helping make things happen.

Because telling you my life story will take too many pages (and you have some brunching/hiking/exercising/sleeping to do), I employed my resident designer/photographer/husband Clay Enos to make this infographic for you.

  Kristine Cabanban Timeline Infographic

I can't wait to see what the next 30 years has in store, but I hope we'll still be in business, employing people, and giving back.

Hope you will continue to be part of this adventure.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and wear some kickass jewelry!





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Raquel A Delos Reyes

I love the new blog… it does sums up all the good things that led you to the beautiful, thoughtful, artistic, loving person that you are now… love you forever and always… when it comes to my friends there is always FOREVER!

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